1. What was really behind the Air Farce One Tour of New York City?
2. Who are the White House visitors that have the same names as Bill Ayres and Jeremiah Wright?
3. What was Nidal Malik Hasans role on the Transition Team (Ft. Hood terrorist)?
4. What is the purpose of the plot to bring Gitmo Terrorists to New York and Illinois?
5. Who was behind the American Police Force in Hardin, Montana?
6. Why was Obama adopted by the Crows? Whose idea was it?
7. Was Carl Venne, Crow Tribe, murdered?
8. Why would the Salahis take the 5th? On what grounds will they claim the 5th? What connection is the White House hiding?
9. Judge Carters clerk Who pays his salary? Who recommended him for the job?
10. Who coined the term all wee-weed up?
11. Who is the Mysterious Blonde NY Socialite that is receiving text messages from POTUS?
12. Why is Congress silent on the infiltration of commie czars?
13. Why did the Secret Service visit Ted Kennedys compound just hours before his demise?
14. Why did the Catholic Church give the divorced Senator Kennedy a Catholic funeral and burial?
15. Whose Social Security Number is being used by POTUS this year?
Yep. That's my burning question to which I'm afraid I'll never get an answer.