A while back NPR did a story about the old conservations camps of the 30’s. The young men who attended these camps were thrilled at the opportunity. They worked hard cutting trails and cutting trees during the day but were able to eat as much as they wanted, most of them for the first time. They sent half their small paycheck home to their families.
If they tried offering this opportunity to young kids today they’d laugh.
'Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might'.
I'm big on that concept. Even if it's dumping trash. I'm commanded to, actually.
And I'm ok with feeding kids or hired hands, or cows treading grain as much as they want. Kcals in = Kcals out, minus the biological overhead.
I like to watch House Hunters. I am constantly amazed at the young couples who want things in a million+ house on a $150,000 budget. Don’t they know any better?