I would think, genetically, these tigers (?the ‘tiger’ shrimp I’ve seen for sale in TX are always blue, not black)
would have an impossible time burrowing into the sandy GOM bottom as our pink, white and brown ones do to escape predators.
I wonder if the lack of hurricanes in the GOM has anything to do with their being populous enough to catch.
How they got here? Water in hatches from ships coming West carried the larvae, I suppose, as I think all shrimp breed in estuaries. That’s what we were taught, anyhow.
I think this tiger has enough bad things going for it, like me, who’d scoop them up if they became commercially available here.
I prefer Tiger shrimp. Lovely taste. I’m one of those that paid extra for them in the Carolinas at the markets and was glad to do so. They were more succulent and tender than gulf shrimp.