What does she have to base that opinion on? I seriously wonder, I’m not being a wise guy. When has he ever said anything even close to savvy?
She hates FOX, loves the view girls....gets her news from the alphabet channels....lives in the past. She seems to have a hate on for conservatives, yet she is Catholic to the core, but does not vote on the abortion issue at all. What can more can I say?
The good news is, except for her two daughters, all 5 of her sons are conservative. Voting accordingly. Grandchildren are mostly conservative. Her husband was the pubbie in the family and he always said he had to get to voting booth to negate hers.
She gets seriously upset if we discuss politics with her, we start to panic watching her. We have learned NOT to discuss them with her anymore. Otherwise at 90 she still drives, lives in her own home, is organized...cooked dinner for over 20 on Thanksgiving. It’s just the political thing that sends her over the edge.