He's 5 years old. He's got BRAT disorder. And parents that probably should have stuck with puppies or cats for companionship. Or maybe pet rocks.
This just plain embarrassing to read all of the over educated numb skulls that had to get involved in this train wreck of incompetent parents vs incompetent administrators and bloated bureaucratic system. I'm so glad the government confiscates my money to fund this sort of thing (read: crap).
Flame throwers ready.....the odds that this kid has an organic medical problem are no better than 1 in a thousand, probably not even that.
They wanted to label my son ADHD. He wasn't. He was hypoglycemic. Changed his diet and no more problems.
But then again, hypoglycemia doesn't qualify for additional federal funding. They weren't interested in him from that point forward.
So glad I decided to home school when he got older...
In the old days, this kid would be dead or institutionalized pretty soon.
Tmes have changed.
That’s why we see this stuff in schools, etc. that we never used to..add to that the general lack of discipline, we’ve got a mess for a teacher to try to deal with and teach.
Decades ago, I knew a rambunctious little boy who had to sit QUIETLY in church for 1 very long hour. Same for the ladies apparel dept. at Gayfers, & numerous other places.
That little boy didn't like it one bit! But the huge, tail-swatting hand was always quicker than the child, & had a vise grip. The lesson was quickly learned.
The boy survived, didn't become a mass murderer or anything bad, & society was a little better for it.
I'd say the kid in this story would fit right in at any OWS protest.
I doubt they could PARENT those!! LOL