Copperheads are hard to see? I spot them right off! Like the one I saw sleeping on the path in post 13! Then again I am used to being in the country and I keep an eye out for them and that may be why. This girl may not be as used to the country as I am.
We used to say here in Texas that nuthin’ kin ruin a squirrel hunt like seein’ a copperhead. Won’t see no squirrels rest of the day!....
A copperhead laying in a combination of fallen pinestraw and oak leaves (like most of the south looks today) is nearly impossible to see. The coloring is an exact match.
Every copperhead bite I have heard about resulted in necrotic loss of flesh and muscle. Disfiguring and long rehab time.
You may be the “exception that makes the rule” Morgana !
I’ve hunted the critters professionally - in my younger “bulletproof” years - and have walked by my share !
These snakes seem to have a knack for finding a concealing background and remain torpid - especially when its cooler -until you step on one or (far worse) put your hand on one climbing ! Once had one pass over my bare arm 6” from my nose as I was crossing a small stream fall.....Fortunately the snake was at least as intent upon avoiding me as I, (had I seen it) would have been it ! We both went our own ways.....
Some areas of NJ are rife with the critters. One of their favorite haunts is old harvest machinery because it also attracts mice, no doubt. ONce caught pluperfect hell from the old man for “wasting” bug spray in a combine I’d just retreived. He reached up and grabbed the roll of draper canvas stored inside the straw walkers and pulled it out...only to find himself surrounded by four of the prettiest copperheads I ever saw ! >PS