Yes and even Steve Jobs could not come up with the ipancreas. Life is also a death sentence and not to many people deal with that straight up and all perfect when they come to realize that means none of us get out of here alive.
“pancreatic cancer is a death sentence
Yes and even Steve Jobs could not come up with the ipancreas. Life is also a death sentence and not to many people deal with that straight up and all perfect when they come to realize that means none of us get out of here alive.”
All truth. Everyone - make sure you have a personal relationship with The Son Of God, Jesus Christ, who gave his life to pay for your sins, so that you won’t end up in Hell.
Don’t wait until you die, because that decision will have already been made by then. You will be judged by what you did with his Son while you were alive on this earth - whether you received Him, opposed Him or ignored Him.
There is no sin so great He won’t forgive it, and there is no person good enough to enter the Kingdom Of Heaven.