Newt wins again tonight. Probably the most prepared to be POTUS.
Santorum, nice guy, but comes off like he is trying too hard.
Cain, he needs to brush up on other issues and show more than 999, he seemed down from the attacks tonight.
Bachmann, knows her facts and knowledgeable. Gets on the nerves a little with the Mom stuff. Female candidates seem to do this. Good on immigration though.
Perry, improved some tonight, but he just looks tired and acts slow.
Ron Paul, sometimes he surprises with where he will hit some issue right on...then he goes off the rails when you get to foreign policy. He seems to have no understanding of Islam whatsoever.
Romney, looked red eyed, got ruffled, slick, but lies.
I value your opinion a lot, and based on most of the other comments on this thread, tend to think you are probably right on the money.
Thanks for posting, I'll try to catch a re-run.