Posted on 10/13/2011 8:02:13 AM PDT by Daffynition
A gun and weapons parts were found buried Wednesday morning in North Arlington and police and FBI agents are investigating the discovery, officials said.
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>>the gun and parts <<
Naw....couldn't have been a FReeper; only *one* gun.
What do you know, and when did you know it???
Need gun parts? Call the Holder Firearms Company. Orders are shipped from Mexico.
Hmm, found near an overpass.
I guess the guy figured if he had to bug out, he could stop and pick up his gun on the way out.
I guess he should have waited until the overpass was built.
LOL...wishing for a one-size-fits-all orange suit...soon!
The cops should have been working on turning over H0lder e-mails and other documents.
Not mine. Never been to Arlington. Beside, all my guns were lost in that terrible boat accident in Lake Lanier.
The utility workers should have the order set at Shovel, Shutup, Shoot.
Need gun parts? Call the Holder Firearms Company. Orders are shipped from Mexico
Holder’s ‘drive thru’ service now available in Virginia
The NoOtster was *right-on* in Hanover the other night...
And if you want to put people in jail — I want to second what Michele said — you ought to start with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and let’s look at the politicians who created the environment, the politicians who profited from the environment, and the politicians who put this country in trouble.
ROSE: Clearly you’re not saying they should go to jail?
GINGRICH: Well, in Chris Dodd’s case, go back and look at the countryside (sic) deals. In Barney Frank’s case, go back and look at the lobbyists he was close to at — at Freddie Mac. All I’m saying is...
(UNKNOWN): So if he were... GINGRICH: Everybody — everybody in the media who wants to go after the business community ought to start by going after the politicians who have been at the heart of the sickness which is weakening this country and ought to start with Bernanke, who has still not been exposed for the hundreds of billions of dollars.
(APPLAUSE) [loved watching the Inquisitors squirm in their seats]
Bury a gun and ammo
for 15 years
(and be assured everything still works when you dig it up)
Excellent source. Thanks. :)
Probably what the guy used as directions, but who knows what will be built in the future. I’ll bet there was more than one site.
How the heck did they find my plan ZZ Top Stash?
I suspect that a lot of these buried caches will end up being forgotten upon the death of the guy who buried them.
Maybe in a few hundred years people will be digging them up by accident and thinking: “These 1911s are even better than my 1911”.
Those small 2-stroke fence post augers are a lot more available now than in years past, too. Heck, you can even rent them from Home Depot.
Oldie but goodie:
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