I can’t help but wonder why all the self-proclaimed broke people in the photos shown at http://wearethe99percent.tumblr.com/ don’t go sell their computers and camera’s.
I may have to submit a picture to them later...
You ever try selling an old computer? You’re lucky if you can sell it for parts - my mothers computer is years old but it still works for email and “facebooking”. And based on the resolution of the posted pics, I’d be willing to guess that the cameras being used are pretty low quality - my wifes 4 year old feature phone takes better pics than most of those.
I don’t know, but it seems like those guys are protesting the fact that wall street firms and banks all got bailouts, and their ceo’s got multi-million dollar packages, while ordinary people who went to college and got degrees and atried to do “what they were supposed to” are left with a ton of debt, no jobs, and nobody to bail them out. I’ve seen enough threads around here that were anti-tarp and anti-bailout. These guys are saying the same thing. They’re not anti-capitalist, they’re saying let the free market work - if they don’t get a bailout, neither should the banks.
Its odd but they all seem to have no family support in all these storys.