I gained and lost a thousand pounds. Unfortunately, I ended up exactly where I started. My biggest victory was losing about 80 pounds over two weeks
I said he / she has other issues.....
I think my point is sound.
If I missed some obvious or obscure point up thread...I'm sorry.
Losing 80 pounds in two weeks...isn't healthy or normal. Something is out of whack there.
Enough said........
See post 6 and 36. I think there us a relationship between the two posts.
Hello? The good doctor was saying he/she was filling the required forms out with BS data, and that no one was concerned about the health of the patient.
Sarcasm and BS don’t always translate well in print.
We were required to keep the computer log to get a discount on our health insurance. I was frustrated by the requirement and also curious to see if anybody actually paid attention. I entered more impossible numbers every week to see if it would trip an alarm to notify me that I had a problem.
Nope, it happily logged all my gains and losses and gave me a yearly summary showing me that for the year I had no change in weight.
The whole program was as useless as I assumed it was and the whole point was to create a program so tedious that an average person would get bored and quit, losing their discount on the premiums. If it weren’t for the experiment, the fun of watching the graph swing wildly and the hilarious computer generated encouragement I would get to keep working when I gained 40 pounds or congratulations when I lost a hundred pounds, I would have never made it through the year.
This year, I have to download a motivational .pdf every week to get my discount.
I’m sorry my post confused you, I was responding to the title, “ok to lie” to get health insurance discount. By the time you got my post, the thread had veered away from the title a bit.
In case you were actually worried, my weight never varied more than a few pounds over the entire year.