Whoa! Good for you for being very honest! What happened between your boss and you after your testimony?
“What happened between your boss and you after your testimony?”
I was selected to be on the jury, much to my boss’ dismay. We had a hectic couple of months ahead of us and she wanted/needed me around.
After that, things were tense ‘cause I no longer trusted her. This was in city government. The City Manager didn’t like my boss much and she was encouraged to look elsewhere, which she did. When she got situated in another city, she called me and asked me to look in an employee’s personnel file and give her information (to use against the City Manager). I responded, “You know I can’t give you confidential personnel information; you taught me well.” She got angry and hung up. I reported the call to the C.M.’s assistant.
I learned there were other issues, as a big investigation began soon after. (What it is about the Catberts of the world? I hate H.R.)