What puzzles me is that when the Left usurped the “scientific method” to install their secular faith into all things academic they did not re-adopt the Ptolemaic System as it too had the potential to make man the center of the universe like socialism does.With a minor fabricated “peer reviewed” fib,a talent ubiquitous in Leftist academia,the original promotion of God’s affectionate focus on man that made the original Geocentric Model attractive to the ruling priestly class could not only be dismissed and it’s proponents shunned and sued to bankruptcy as violating the nonexistent constitutional separation of church and state— The “Man as Satan” Gaia and Gore theological misanthropy could then logically take the place of God at the center of the universe thus making ALL opposition to the church of environmentalist wackos heretical,treasonous and felonies against humanity—all CAPITAL CRIMES.
Socialism doesn’t do that — socialism sez you’re just like the things you produce, and easily replaced, hence, unimportant. It’s a breakdown of individualism, in order to keep the elite in power. The only real competition in socialist systems is internal to the political class (and not part of the phony democratic process), and there it is complete ruthlessness.
Individualism and free will and free markets are antithetical for people who liked everything spoonfed from a can.