I hope you haven’t mixed up the Tea Tank with the Potable tank or I will have to report you to I’m here to Help You.gov and has cuddly-animals.ag signed off on your destruction of the endangered pinecone fuzzy wuzzy bettles?
And why ARE you planting pine cones in your wheat field?
As we drove into town last week, my husband exclaimed at a neighbor’s house, “Well, look at that! I wonder who dumped all those cucumbers in the gutter?”
I believed him because my cucumbers are dreadful this year (bitter). But, on our return trip, we looked a little closer and saw that the pine tree on the curb had dropped a whole load of cones as the result of some gusty winds.
So, we don’t have a neighborhood vandal after all.
My other problem is my bumper crop of tomatoes. I have so many ripe tomatoes! I brought in 50 this afternoon, and I have just as many still hanging on the vines outdoors. Despite neglect and unfavorable weather, my tomato crop has not disappointed. I nearly had a heart attack hauling them in in a big trug tonight. I would have picked more, but the mosquitos were eating me alive.
The other half of the garden has a 2 or 3 year head start, and looks & acts like soil now.
I had a good weekly source of chemical free grass clippings from a motel, but that dried up early last year...but we make do with our 300 acres of pine cones, not even counting the 1,000+ acres of government cones adjoining.
The occasional revenooer, Mormon missionary, and Jehovah's Witness helps out the compost situation, too. (Shhh!)