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To: FW190
>> I didn't say or even "infer that the first thing God did with this earth was a mess.<<

Tohu – without form or a waste. It’s also been described as meaning “great confusion”. In modern French, "tohu-bohu" is used as an idiom for "confusion" or "commotion". Genesis 1:2 “Now the earth was formless and empty”. That doesn’t sound like a mess to you?

>> Anti scriptural, how? The Bible says in Gen 6:19 "And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."<<

OK, so now you have established that you believe that there were dinosaurs on the Ark. Then there must have been some catastrophe and an ice age somewhere around 4445 years ago right? Could you show from any source where that is remotely possible?

>> This earth could have........could have?<<

All right, let’s clarify. This earth has been entirely destroyed and reformed at least once. It has also been flooded once to destroy all animals and man other then those on the Ark. I would not discount other reformations given the eternity of God.

>> There is nothing weak or obfuscating about what I've said, "you're merging evolution with the Bible.<<

If God created unique species then totally destroyed those species to re-create a different set of species does not include evolution. There is no “evolution” from one species to another in that. Unless you have no concept of what evolution means it would be ludicrous to claim it did.

>> So YOU use science to verify The Bible.<<

Nope, scientific discovery must conform to scripture. If it does not it must be assumed in error. Just like your 6000 year old earth does not fit either scripture or science.

>> ONE question to see how knowledgeable YOU are.<<

ROFL. You say ONE question then you list 3 questions. Indicative of your understanding of pretty much everything it would seem to me. Nonetheless, here goes.

>>1. Dinosaurs died during one of the earth's reforming periods.<<

Again, indicative of you naiveté. Destruction doesn’t happen during “reforming”. The destruction of the dinosaurs happened during the destruction of the previous earth. >>2. The human race was cursed with death after the fall of Adam & Eve but Dinosaurs died millions of years before that.<<

Is there anywhere in scripture that states that there was no death prior to Genesis 1:2? How about Lucifer? Was he already a fallen angel prior to Genesis 1:2 or after? Death was introduced to this current earth after the fall of Adam and Eve. No where does it say that death never occurred before that. There was a new start from Genesis 1:2 just as there will be after Armageddon and again after the 1000 year reign of Christ.

>>3. Death only became part of GOD's creation after the fall of Adam & Eve.<<

There you go again. Limiting “God’s creation” to a 6-7000 year time frame. You indicate that God only created once and that creation started out “without form and void”. If there was no “creation” prior to Adam and Eve you limit God to no creation before that.

Now I’ll ask you a question. What words did the original writers use in Genesis that have been translated “created”. Did those words mean “created from nothing” or did one of those words mean that but the other mean “to form from existing material” as in “re-create” and in which verses were those words used? I’ll give you a hint to start. Did God create (bara) or make (asah) in Genesis 1?

72 posted on 08/21/2011 12:33:14 PM PDT by CynicalBear
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To: CynicalBear
"Tohu – without form or a waste. It’s also been described as meaning “great confusion”. In modern French, "tohu-bohu" is used as an idiom for "confusion" or "commotion"."

SO, now we know you swear by Wikipedia, the free (design your own definition) encyclopedia. You copied this almost word for word.

Here's the correct definition: Tohu-that which is empty or wasteland, wilderness (From an unused root meaning to lie waste). And, if it was empty, so what. As we know GOD's plan was to create (out of nothing) life to populate the earth.

Think of it this way slowped, You're building a home. You find a vacant lot, without form or a waste. You bring in the building materials and lay them around the property. Is it looking like a home yet? NO, it's still without form or a waste. You begin to build by putting the different elements of building materials together. Is it looking like a home yet? NO, it's still without form or a waste. When you've completed the project and moved in, is it a HOME? FINALLY, YES!

___________________________________________________________ "OK, so now you have established that you believe that there were dinosaurs on the Ark. Then there must have been some catastrophe and an ice age somewhere around 4445 years ago right? Could you show from any source where that is remotely possible?"

OK slow learner: .This was in earlier posts but I guess your eyes haven't evolved yet.

___________________________________________________________ "All right, let’s clarify. This earth has been entirely destroyed and reformed at least once. It has also been flooded once to destroy all animals and man other then those on the Ark. I would not discount other reformations given the eternity of God."

This earth has been entirely destroyed and reformed at least mean before the flood?

Could you show from any source where that is remotely possible? And don't bring in your pseudo science, like carbon dating. I say "pseudo science" because show me the control. OH, I know those reliable "scientist" who brought us "Global Warming" say that radiocarbon dating requires knowing the ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12 in the atmosphere when the organic matter being dated was part of a living organism. That assumption, which few realize is being made, is that this ratio has always been what it was before the industrial revolution—about one carbon-14 atom for every trillion carbon-12 atoms. However, Willard Libby, who received a Nobel Prize for developing this technique, conducted tests in 1950 that showed more carbon-14 forming than decaying. Therefore, the amount of carbon-14 and the ratio must be increasing. He ignored his test results, because he believed that the earth must be more than 20,000–30,000 years old, in which case the amount of carbon-14 must have had time to reach equilibrium and be constant. In 1977, Melvin Cook did similar, but more precise, tests which showed that the ratio was definitely increasing, even faster than Libby’s test indicated.

"the earth must be more than 20,000–30,000 years old"This "pseudo science" is where people like you get the idea of thousands, NO millions of earth years. So you have to manufacture something to make The Bible fit your stupid nonesense "gap theory." As I've said before the gap is in your head. __________________________________________________________

"If God created unique species then totally destroyed those species to re-create a different set of species does not include evolution."

SO, GOD is continually (that means without interruption) forming new creatures. WOW, now that is a new one for me! So, what was created in your back yard today? Dog poop I'd venture to say.

____________________________________________________________ " There is no “evolution” from one species to another in that. Unless you have no concept of what evolution means it would be ludicrous to claim it did."

I see that even a gullible person like you HAS to draw the line somewhere. ____________________________________________________________

"Is there anywhere in scripture that states that there was no death prior to Genesis 1:2? How about Lucifer? Was he already a fallen angel prior to Genesis 1:2 or after? Death was introduced to this current earth after the fall of Adam and Eve. No where does it say that death never occurred before that."

Now you give me a twofer of're sad!

OK, first Satan, he is a fallen angel without a physical body, who will never die but will be in the lake of fire forever.

The Bible is not clear WHEN he first sinned against GOD.

"Is there anywhere in scripture that states that there was no death prior to Genesis 1:2?

Death is first mentioned in Genesis 2:17, But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

How does this mean No death before GEN 1:2, you ask? Because of Gen 3:22, And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.

So, living in the garden and Adam & Eve eating freely from the "tree of life" would have prevented them from tasting DEAH forever!

Because of Adam & Eve's sin, GOD cursed the earth. See GEN 3:17, And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life. Also see Rom 8:22, For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

The entire creation is suffering under the penalty of Adam & Eve's sin.....until our redemption by Jesus has been completed.

___________________________________________________________ "There you go again. Limiting “God’s creation” to a 6-7000 year time frame. You indicate that God only created once and that creation started out “without form and void”. If there was no “creation” prior to Adam and Eve you limit God to no creation before that."

I didn't limit GOD to anything. It's all in his book. You should read it sometime. ___________________________________________________________

It's really very simple. GOD created the universe with the earth as part of it. He created plants, animals and man on the earth. Adam & Eve were placed in the perfect paradise of Eden. Adam & Eve could have lived forever (with animals, that includes dinosaurs) in the garden of Eden. Adam & Eve sinned, GOD ejected them from the garden and clothed them with animal skins (death). The first murder (death) happened after the fall. Children from Adam & Eve populated the pre-flood earth. Sin in the pre-flood world got worse & worse. GOD judged the world with a flood but saved Noah, family & animals. The judgement with flood waters created the world we see today (volcanos, mountains, oceans, fossils, & Russia's Arctic prehistoric remains of a baby woolly mammoth)

___________________________________________________________ " Did God create (bara) or make (asah) in Genesis 1?"

ANSWER: (bara) A primitive root; (absolutely) to create. And from American Heritage Dictionary: create - to cause to exist; bring into being.

The universe/earth didn't exist before GOD created them, He only created them once, MANKIND mess it up!

76 posted on 08/21/2011 6:39:03 PM PDT by FW190
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