That was wonderful but not any different from when I come home from running errands. My dogs always act like I have just come back from a long long trip. :D
Mine see me 24/7 so I get 10 minutes of hysteria if I leave the room but *daddy* gets the “OMG! We thought we’d never see you again!” when he *finally* comes in from the shop.
One of these days, these mutts better figure out ~who~ feeds/waters/trains/nurses/lets them out & in....LOL
The best welcome home I ever got from was the Wonder Dobe back in 1981.
He’d seen the horse flatten me and the ambulance haul me away.
He howled for the 11 days I was in a coma and when I come home from the hospital, I went straight to his kennel and without thinking, turned him out.
He knocked me -flat- and almost killed me with welcome home licks, hugs and bounces.
He was making weird noises somewhere between “laughs” and “sobs”.
He got really over-protective of me after that and pitched a fit if he even *thought* I was going near the horses without him there to keep them at a safe distance.
Lord, how I loved that dog and apparently, he loved me.
Now I really need Kleenex.