“stuck on stupid.”
Marks of a con usually get upset when they find they were taken. So, go ahead, be mad. I expect that. The uneducated, ignorant, and stupid are always easily taken. As it is said, if you want to take someone, lie big. Big lies are believed by those that cannot get their head around it.
Rossi has a history of lying, from his “degree” that wasn’t to other enterprises that weren’t, either.
Your only rebuttal to any comment has been, “You’re wrong”. That’s it. That’s all you’ve got, and, frankly, that’s all Rossi has given you.
Marks of a con usually get upset when they find they were taken. So, go ahead, be mad. I expect that.
***Rossi is still around and hasn’t absconded with a bunch of investor money yet. You’re jumping the gun with such comments. Besides, I am one of the few laymen who has money in his pocket due to the replication of a LENR experiment, so no one has conned me yet.
The uneducated, ignorant, and stupid are always easily taken.
***You are absolutely right. That is why I am itching so hard to take your money, to get you to put up or shut up. If you’re right, you have my money. If I’m right, I have your money. Nothing could be simpler than that.
How I Made Money from Cold Fusion
Saturday, January 23, 2010 12:28:49 PM · by Kevmo · 28 replies · 1,013+ views
Exclusive Article for Free Republic | 1/23/10 | Kevmo
As it is said, if you want to take someone, lie big. Big lies are believed by those that cannot get their head around it.
***I’m a small fry player who just wants to take your money, to have you bet against this technology & put your money where your mouth is, or shut up. If at the end of the day, you walk away with my money, it’s still a good result as far as I’m concerned.
Rossi has a history of lying, from his degree that wasnt to other enterprises that werent, either.
***Yup. There’s plenty of evidence to suggest he isn’t so great. But he hasn’t really been acting like a con man, and almost all the people he has shown the technology to (including well trained scientists) have opened their pocket books or given support in some way. If it is a con, it’s a huge con and it involves many notables in the scientific establishment in Italy.
Your only rebuttal to any comment has been, Youre wrong. Thats it. Thats all youve got, and, frankly, thats all Rossi has given you.
***Your own post betrays your own lack of rebuttal. There were multiple points made, questions asked in the post, but the only thing you comment on is “stuck on stupid”.