Come get some, bitches!
Forgot to include that Libya will eventually be taken over by Islamist-facists, which once again our stupid Fedgov doesn't get what side to support.
Does anyone really think that the uprisings in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, et al were about democratic freedom? Are so many in our fedgov so naive? Sheesh, Egypt is already looking at including the Muslim Brotherhood into their new papa-military political system.
Western civilization needs to wise up about Islamic migration and Islamist beliefs and intent. They actually write their INTENT on the Web...I've seen it.
Their intent is to take over the entire World and make us all subservient to the principles of Sharia Law.
1.Wanna see you daughter shot in the back of the head for innocently having sex with a boy? Then support Sharia Law.
2. Wanna see your wife covered from head to toe, then support Sharia Law.
3. Wanna know that you wife can't go out in public without a male escort - then support Sharia Law.
4. Want to always have fun and discuss things with male counter-parts? Then support Sharia La
It's worming its way into to our system, much like it has in England. So we incrementely bring Sharia law into this country? Okay, that will and other shit will give me a good reason to go out.
I will take up weapons before I allow those Islamist fucks dictate ANYTHING to my American woman.
Hey, Mohammed and Farrakkan and Franken and other racists.........fuck you and the poor pitiful camel you frigged in the bottom. I despise all of you racist POS.
Aftganicrap, LOLOLOL!