Did you ever take into consideration that a large percentage of SWAT and police in general are prior service? You going to impugn their service next, call them dregs of the military?
Again, if there were no need for SWAT operations, there would be no SWAT. But here in America, we do have our share of miscreants and malcontents who are quite content to keep on doing the sort of things that gets SWATs attention.
Do you question the motivation of soldiers who go into combat arms? Do they not serve and protect? Do you question their desire to go into elite units with an even higher probability of wearing badass gear and shooting people and things? Nope, because as long as they are kicking other peoples asses, they are safe. But let them start being the police over here, you’ll turn on them as well.
People who want to wear badass gear and shoot things should absolutely joint the military. That is the job of the military and I applaud and thank them. The Military has a different job than the police. The founders were smart enough to know the difference.