Unpleasant about Kate and Di? Unh unh. As I alluded to earlier, they are different women. You seem to idolize Di. I merely point out that their qualifications are poles apart. My initial comment was a favorable observation about Kate. With regard to “collapsing like a cheap camera,” please understand that that is apparently a local colloquialism which, I suspect, most of the fruited plain have not heard. Please understand that there is a vast territory west of the Hudson River. Crack an atlas and satisfy that curiosity itch, woman. (If it exist.) sd
Idolize Diana? Why would I idolize Diana? Why are you mistaking my keen observations about Diana’s sexual persona as idolization?! Very silly.
I knew as soon as I posted anything about NYC it would start you off on a freeper anti-NYC rant. I can recite these dull rants in my sleep. In the immortal words of my fellow New Yorker, Kate Hepburn: bore, bore, bore.