I do not.
Or do you think the Cheerleading squad should make up a special position for uncoordinated people that want to join.
Again, since we're not dealing with competitive cheerleading, I don't see what coordination has to do with being on a cheer squad. In fact, because of the risk of serious injury/death, I'd go so far as to say that non-competitive high school cheer squads shouldn't be doing the types of stunts that require athletic ability beyond that which this girl possesses. But that's neither here nor there. Other girls can continue to do pyramids and flips.
This is high school cheerleading, for goodness sakes. She is required to hold up a sign that says "GO TEAM" and wave pom poms. She can do this. Comparisons to flying planes and driving taxis and being in the NBA are asinine.
It is TOTALLY reasonable to require members of the cheer leading squad to be able to do the things they are expected to do.
Yeah. Like hold up a sign and cheer when the team scores a touchdown. Check and check.
>> “GO TEAM” and wave pom poms. She can do this. Comparisons to flying planes and driving taxis and being in the NBA are asinine.
Why should she be placed at the front of the line, ahead of others who COULD meet the physical requirements as defined by the team?
Other girls tried out and didn’t score highly enough, either.
Not meaning to sound harsh, but isn’t this “affirmative action” all over again?
Our high school cheerleaders did a lot more than hold a sign and wave pom poms. They did pyramids, jumped in the air and did splits. Sometimes the gals would carry other cheerleaders on their shoulders during a cheer. I suppose someone could try and wear her as a hat, but I dunno....
>>Yeah. Like hold up a sign and cheer when the team scores a touchdown. Check and check. <<
That may be part of the job, but not all. To use my blind cab driver analogy, one of his jobs may be to open the trunk for a fare. Just because he can do that part of the job doesn’t mean he is qualified to be a cab driver. Also, I am a bass player. 70% of the stuff I do is pretty easy. The reason I am in bands is because I can do the other 30% when it is required.
Fact is, for cheerleading squads you may have 40 girls try out for 6 positions. There are standard criteria used to pick the six out of the 40. Some VERY basic skills are kicking, jumping, etc. The ones that cannot pull that off with “excitement” are dropped fast. And most of them have all their arms and legs. Should they complain too that it is not fair?
You are being silly.
>>Again, since we’re not dealing with competitive cheerleading, I don’t see what coordination has to do with being on a cheer squad.<<
Actually it IS competitive. When you have 40 kids (or seven) trying out for six positions, the girls are competing for those six positions. The ones that fit the criteria best will get those six positions, unless you subscribe to the concept of the “charity case” or affirmative action.
>>In fact, because of the risk of serious injury/death, I’d go so far as to say that non-competitive high school cheer squads shouldn’t be doing the types of stunts that require athletic ability beyond that which this girl possesses. <<
Yep. Penn and Teller have a great bullshit episode about that. But remember, the rudimentary act of jumping or kicking would be beyond the athletic ability this particular girl possesses. That is why she is not qualified to be a cheerleader, especially compared to the competition for the position.
The ONLY reason for putting her on display would be as the token cripple.
Isn’t that speshul...