“...moneyed interests that brought the economy down” like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd?
Like Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae?
Obamas Original Sin?
There are so mny, how does one sift through them all to find the original?
Of course not. They're the ones who paid to put him there.
What a twisted web. Obama was the national legal trainer for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. They worked with HUD, Justice Department, Freddie and Fannie to pressure anks into making mortgage loans to unqualified, mostly minority people. Acorn would find and bring in the people as well as making the threats of racism if loans were not approved. They were so successful that over half (estimated 27 out of 55 million) of the mortgages in the US were sbprime. Some banks were working so hard to please the leftists in these administrations that they came up with a new class of loans called NINJA loans (No Income, No job or Assets). Obama was the pusher in the mortgage crisis.
I couldn't read further. Isn't it instructive that liberalism has to resort to false premises to prop up it's tenuous foundation? We are witnessing the whole house of cards beginning to teeter, and soon it will fall.