It’s clear that the writer of the article has no clue what breed the other dog was. A rottweiler does not resemble an American Staffordshire terrier.
The other dog has been identified as a poodle, and it may (or may not) have instigated the fight).
The dog struggling does not defacto indicate that it desired to re-engage in the fight, but that it wanted to be *up*.
Furthermore, the witness who described him as “trying” also indicated that she turned away from the scene. People who have reason to believe that someone can barely control what they deem an apparently aggressive dog do not typically take their eyes off the dog, as that witness did. It is clear that she thought shooting the dog was an overreaction, and inappropriate, regardless.
Since the poodle may have instigated the fight, why are you laying the blame on the owner of the other dog, whose dog is just as conceivably the victim of an attacking dog?
Frankly, I think the perimeter of the area where the festival is held should be posted with no animals/bikes, etc. signs.