The story about Paul Kern (’Kern Denounces Hitler, Not Stalin’) on page 7 is fascinating. This communist, Paul Kern, President of New York’s Civil Service Commission, was grilled during hearings in City Council Chambers and asked by counsel if he, “was or ever had been a Communist or a knowing follower of the Communist party line”. Naturally, Kern (subscriber to ‘The Daily Worker’) slimed his way through the hearings and evaded most questions. This was in 1941!
Long before HUAC and Joe McCarthy (all of whom, the world now knows, turned out to be right) America was well aware of the covert war the communists were waging against the nation through organized labor, the press, and Hollywood. It is astonishing that, 70 years later, the communists have fulfilled their goal of getting a communist in the White House and passing communist health care legislation. ...Right in front of our very eyes.
And yet, if you try to tell this to most people today, their eyes gloss over, and the libs will scream “LIAR!”.
You can even give them all the facts in the world, and they still won’t admit there were ever Soviet-supported Communists in America.