THe further on men and women are single, the harder it is for them to get married. They are used to living single and having everything their way. They have no experience living with other people that they can’t just move out on. They’ve never been truly vested in a relationship they can’t walk out on if stuff gets too bad. It is true they get set in their ways.
The execption, of course, is when two older people like each other, and they just happen to have living habits very closely mirroring each other.
THe further on men and women are single, the harder it is for them to get married. They are used to living single and having everything their way.
That is true...i know the first couple of years i was married, i was constantly saying “my” this or “my” that..had to learn how to say “our”...i realized it hurt my wife’s feelings and i needed to drop that habit.