I have often said, that was the day that the left declared war on America. They became emboldened when he got away scott free with what he and his alinskyite wife did to this country.
Just to think, ole Al could have had it all that day. Was probably promised 2000 in the bag with FL to sit and stand by. They forgot one thing though....the good people of TN.
God is good, and He will not abandon His people now either. In the meantime, His people need to be showing the way to Him to those who have been duped into following earthly gods.
“I have often said, that was the day [failing to convict Clinton in the Senate] that the left declared war on America.”
I would beg to differ. I would submit that the left publicly declared war on America when Reagan nominated Bork to the Supreme Court. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the internet then, or talk radio, or any ‘new media.’ All we had were the alphabets/WaPo/NYT and legacy media. Cable existed but wasn’t as common in households as it is today.
I’ve got a few years on me, and had never seen anything like what the left did to, and got away with against Bork. It was done with help from a few Republicans, including the worm John Warner who was then my Senator.(after 1987 and until his retirement, during Warner’s reelection bids I always wrote in “Robert Bork”)
The behavior was so outrageous, it even led to a new term, “Borking,” as in trashing and vilifying political opponents by any and all means possible. The country has never been the same since.