So now we've gone from "what's the big deal? All the cloud services already do this" to "a year from now ..." I wouldn't hold my breath. Ten years on, we're still waiting for the "iPod killer" (*cough* Zune *cough*).
As I said, the cloud idea is nothing new. The only twist is you can have your entire 100GB (or whatever it is) available to you, which Im sure is probably nowhere near what the average user has.
Jobs said at the keynote that this isn't for most users. Heaven forfend, a company should offer a service for someone other than the average user.
Why is it that when Apple comes out with this revolutionary stuff, the only people calling it that were already Apple zombies to begin with?
Because you use a circular definition by which anyone impressed with Apple's services is an "Apple zombie."
“So now we’ve gone from “what’s the big deal? All the cloud services already do this” to “a year from now ...” I wouldn’t hold my breath. Ten years on, we’re still waiting for the “iPod killer” (*cough* Zune *cough*).”
The fact that you just brought up that red herring is pretty much proof that you know it to be true.
“Because you use a circular definition by which anyone impressed with Apple’s services is an “Apple zombie.””
“Because I use a definition by which anyone who gushes over any and everything Apple and constantly overstates it importance.”
There, fixed it for ya.