Oh yes, CI-CO. Then my body must be scientifically flawed. Oh wait, it is! I have PCOS, so if I follow your guidlines I will get fat and stop ovulating again. I will also grow back all those nasty chin hairs. CI-CO, that’s why Atkins, South Beach, low-GI, and paleo diets are so unsuccessful. Oh wait, they aren’t! If it were that easy, everyone with low-fat, no-fat, low-cal items in their pantries would be thin, but that just isn’t so. I see so many young girls who are thin but have guts. This is a result of CI-CO. They are heading toward reproductive problems and sugar issues just like I was. No more sugar, real or fake, and a low-GI diet where I eat all the fat I want. Avacados are my fave!
Also, cancer cells eat sugar and partially hydrogenated and hydrogenated oils. How many of those ingredients are in Twinkies?
My husband, an “inorganic” farmer, says organic just means they spray at night.