Or at least until they officially run LOL.
Remember all the freepers that were swearing that Trump was running? And was was actually talking about running (just to get MSM camera time+publicity.) He had no intention of really running because he would have to make public his personal finances, and he was not doing that. No way.
Trump’s public collapse, has just begun.
He made a huge mistake IMHO, pulling this stunt. I really, really liked what he had to say, and am pretty darn miffed at having fallen for it.
How’s the saying go? Fool me once,...
My predictions have been that Trump was not going to run, Huckabee was not going to run, and that Palin will run.
I'm 2-2 so far, with the last one still up in the air.
If I had to make my best guess as to when Palin will announce, I imagine it will be timed around the Iowa straw poll -- either right before to capture it with the announcement buzz, or right after it, so the results (if they go against her, especially since she isn't officially running at that point) can be dismissed and she can save the time, effort, and money that normally gets dumped into that dog and pony show.
Personally, I think she'll go with the latter, as I'm pretty sure she's not going to buy into the ethanol racket, and that means she's probably going to have a hard time in Iowa. When she jumps in, look for her to spend a lot of time in South Carolina and Florida.