Loud mouthed American Mormon convert.... going to head to Israel to ...???
I have no doubt he’s going to have to fly in his preselected crowd for the TV visuals to look right.
I mean, I’m sure the printing shops in Israel will be happy to produce the signs and banners for the rally and all, and the security companies will love the overtime work, and somewhere a caterer will be be overjoyed supplying food to the production crew.
When other foreigners without residency permits try to organize and provoke religiously inspired public rallies in Israel , they are immediately arrested and deported, and blacklisted from re-entering Israel. This kind of cultish behavior is not uncommon, it happens EVERY SINGLE DAY, and there are three separate gov agencies that deal exclusively with monitoring and deporting foreigners bent on building cult following in Israel.
Beck just returned from Israel, you fool. This is with the full and probably grateful, cooperation of the Israeli government or it wouldn’t be happening. You people that post this stuff are truly loathsome. This has nothing to do with Mormon, Catholic, Protestant, or Jew. It has to do with right and wrong
HE is right and YOU are wrong.