The question of the BASIC NON EVOLUTION OF MODERN MAN has been gone over here before.
Too remote to be ancestral to is a transitive relationship; The Neanderthal is too remote to be ancestral to us and all other hominids were substantially further removed from us THAN the Neanderthal.
WE ARE NOT RELATED TO ANY HOMINID. Hominids were advanced apes; we are NOT apes. Any similarities between apes, humans, and hominids are examples of similar design parameters, and that's all.
Oh, yeah, one little new item or data point here and the question of at least some hominids walking upright as if that were proof of kinship to humans....
Walking upright you ask? Been there, done that.....
Maybe WE are evolving into gorillas! That one on the left is stating to look purrritttyy good to me...
Another missing link.....
Can you say *hobbit*?
that gorrilla is nothing.
the asian black bear is known to walk upright and ITS NOT EVEN A PRIMATE!