I know what you mean, Jane, about the clothes women (and men) wear to the store or airport. Self esteem and pride in doing the best with what you have seems to be missing.
I remember when the First Ladies would never go into public without being ‘gussied up’ to the n-th! But now we have a First Lady (?) who thinks “FRUMP” is ok.
I never even go to the post office without putting on a little makeup, fixing my hair, and wearing a decent outfit. (If I didn’t look my nicest, I would surely run into someone I hadn’t seen in a long time, and I could just ‘hear’ her whisper to her friend, “Did you see YORKIE? Boy has she let HERself go!”)
I went out in public once (many years ago) with (gasp) rollers in my hair - and ended up on National Television. I learned my lesson that day!