I’m gonna vote no just to screw with the left.
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Where’s the “I’m still waiting for it” box?
How can it be file #151 in 1961 in Hawaii. Only the 151st birth in the state of Hawaii as of 1961? Seems very odd. I have my uncle’s birth certificate from 1917 Missouri and it is #32,779 which makes sense. 32,779 birth certificates in Kansas as of July 22, 1917. But Obama is only the 151st birth in the state of Hawaii in 1961. Very doubtful that he was only the 151st person to be born in Hawaii....
He STILL has not presented a birth certificate. This is still a certificate of live birth and it still does not have all the information a birth certificate should have. Not to mention, I would still be willing to bet it is a forgery.
Big mistake. He comes off thin-skinned, angry, shallow, and impulsive. Releasing it now just shows how Trump nettled him into the political equivalent of throwing ashtrays. It also brings up the Big Question: Why did he hide it for so long? Why didn’t he produce it for the army guy now sitting in Leavenworth?
Sooooo he spent MILLIONS—some of it, maybe even his own money—to keep the BC from being seen. But NOW he decides to just show it for the hell of it. Uh huh. Anyone who doesn’t smell a very big RAT is nuts. Or a Democrat.
I don’t agree withe the premise of the question. What was released is not “the long form”. Today’s release (of whatever you want to call it) does nothing to resolve the NBC issues and still does not resolve other nationality issues. This is just one micro-drip of what should have been a flood of vetted information that the state-run media missed when Mr. Soetoro ran for office the first time, like maybe when he ran for state office or the US Senate.
there is no real one
Can’t release what doesn’t exist
Please note that it is not a PDF document, it is what used to be known as a "photostat". Look closely at the center of the document near the bottom edge. You can see an embossed seal which certifies the authenticity of the copied document. No such seal is visible on the Obama COLB. Given that and the "layered" nature of the PDF document causes me to believe that the newly available COLB (nee long form birth certificate) has been altered and does not represent a true copy.
Nice try though...