Mark was mainly POed at Trump wanting to run as an independent and handing the potus to the dems. He has a point but the elegibility issue and cover up are also a big deal. If BOzo is not eligible than why should we respect the law.
I think you're right. It isn't so much about the birther issue as about Trump himself. I have the same misgivings about Trump as Levin. Don't get me wrong, I like the fact that Trump isn't running from the issue, and he may even make a good President. Hell, anyone's better than the poser we have in there now. The problem is Trump's ego is at least as big as Hussein's. If he doesn't get the nomination I'm afraid he'll pull a Ross Perot and we'll have 4 more years of the magic muslim.
So many people are focused of getting money out of politics, and that's fine, but then you get the independently wealthy running. With great wealth comes even bigger egos. We've seen this in NYC with Bloomy, we can't afford it on a national level.