I’m pretty sure he has a criminal present, too.
Yeah, he does but I just found this and thought I would post it.
Me too, but any criminal record would be a democrat resume enhancer.
0bama may have a criminal past...
See article.
About four years ago, there was either a comment, or post stating British police have 0bama's old passport in their possession, wish I had kept the link, but at the time, didn't realize it was important. - So what name is on this old passport, issued from which country? Why are British police holding it, and how did 0bama get back into the country from where that passport was issued? What did he do to precipitate police action?
It is my understanding when a foreigner has a run-in with police, they can retain said foreigner's passport until the (criminal, or otherwise) issue can be resolved.
Beat me to it.
Yes, this in addition to the crimes he is now committing.
A fascinating read. I’ll treat it with a grain of salt because this is what modern politics has become: Partisans are easy prey for fanciful stories of secret wrongdoing by a president of the opposing party. The lefties lived off tales of Bush cocaine use and renewed drinking for eight years, just as the Right lived off the Clinton Death List for another eight.
But I will say that we’ve never had a president with more questions about his background. And people are going to speculate.
bump for later