1 posted on
04/03/2011 1:45:01 PM PDT by
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To: rambo316
92 posted on
04/03/2011 6:55:55 PM PDT by
al baby
(Hi Mom!!! <sarc>)
To: rambo316
Excellent write up that sorts out the deeds of evil men and one in particular.
100 posted on
04/03/2011 8:03:07 PM PDT by
(So this is how it feels to be flushed. The "that's impossible" days are upon us.)
To: rambo316; butterdezillion; STARWISE; LucyT; ex-Texan; train; Las Vegas Dave; maggief; rxsid; ...
It's too bad this
April Fool's writeup used about 60-80% of the(probably true) stuff, along with some that is the most wildly far-out speculation available, all as if it was admitted fact.
The author was also pretty sloppy with the parts of his past that probably ARE true, indicating this was probably assembled by an Obama lover.
Lots of Obama detractors will run with ALL of this story as if it was absolute fact, making the parts that really ARE true, easy to be ridiculed as an April fools joke.
Whomever this Rick Perry is, he should pull the article or admit it was a ruse to ridicule birthers
103 posted on
04/03/2011 9:41:34 PM PDT by
Future Useless Eater
(Chicago politics = corrupted capitalism = takeover by COMMUNity-ISM)
To: rambo316
There were others jumping up and down about this man..go back and look at the questions raised by Hannity and others who stongly felt this man is not truthful..and who constantly questioned who his friends and mentors were and who his associates continue to be.
The idiot Americans who are more interested in American Idol didn’t give a rats a$$ about any of this and voted this guy into the WH and now we have the luxury of watching our beloved nation go down the cesspool hole.
To: rambo316
Bump. May the Lord’s will be to expose this fraud, and may Barry (or whatever his name really is) come to justice.
To: rambo316
121 posted on
04/04/2011 4:11:57 AM PDT by
(Support "An American Expat in Southeast Asia" - DONATE)
To: rambo316
135 posted on
04/29/2011 11:08:17 PM PDT by
little jeremiah
(Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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