I think that what you’re describing is a word in short supply in this country, from a long time ago.
Honor is no longer rewarded in this country. Sloth, laziness, and irresponsibility IS rewarded.
You get more of what you reward. There are no rewards for being law-abiding, patient, or selfless.
The only thing that is rewarded is what you can get away with, all the while hoisting the cultural flag of victimhood as your excuse.
Trust me, we’re screwed without the steak dinner.
Could not agree more. Mention the word “honor” to a “Liberal” and they will laugh or point to the perversion of the word so common in certain “cultures”. A capacity to feel shame is what enforces personal honor and it must be taught by tough and loving parents who inculcate the child. Not easy but without it the results can be really ugly.