Oh I didnt mean that to you personally.
I’ve just seen so much of this stuff passed around here over the past few days, that I could not believe what I was reading.
There is a solar “storm” that was, I assume, suppose to happen next Tues or such, and the only thing that may do is just cause a lot of pretty Aurora, and at worse cause some power grid to overload like what happen in Canada in the 70s.
I haven’t heard about any satellites going down in the previous few weeks though.
I have glanced at the FR threads that have people saying THEY are the chosen ones to be taken in a rapture and that May 21 is the date of the beginning of something or when Jesus returns.
The very Bible they act supreme in knowledge about says only God knows the date.
Don’t get me wrong I believe we are living in some times that could be called near the end when dumbasses like Obama cause WWIII and destruction but the chosen ones that are holier than everyone else crack me up.