If the police had shot a student, they would also be blamed.
Do you suppose that firing a weapon while innocent bystanders (students) are within firing range is proper gun handling?
I’m sure the gun handling was fine.
At some point, somebody is always going to be “within firing range” if a cop needs to discharge his weapon.
The real question is wether the shooting was justified.
Are you suggesting that the police may never, under any circumstances, fire their weapon if there are any bystanders in the area? Seriously? It’s time, then to take the firearms away from our police officers, and issue billy clubs like they do in England./s
I shoot all the time when “innocent bystanders” are in range. Surprisingly, I’ve never manged to hurt anyone. Or rather, unsurprisingly, as I have a clue about how to handle a weapon. I suspect this officer did too.
I’m as quick to bash cops for inappropriate behavior as just about anyone at FR. Most especially for shooting dogs on “dynamic entries” gone wrong.
I don’t see inappropriate behavior here, except for the cop bashing.