I knew what she meant. Anybody that follows Gov. Palin knew what she was commenting on. Only the liberal pea brain would interpret it a different way like that clown at TPN. There are not enough characters on twitter for the pie brain liberals to interpret anything the right way.
What am I saying?? The liberal pie brains can’t interpret anything the right way.
I disagree. First, you don't have to be a liberal to qualify as a "pea brain", secondly the majority of those (who are not liberals) who will vote in 2012 do not follow Palin or politics as much as we do. When she says something, they retain what she said the first time and not her explanation the following day.
Gov. Palin cannot STFU if she's going to be in debates so she had better be able to say what she means during the debates without having to run to the microphones the next day to extinguish political flames.