My wife and I raised six children from birth to adulthood so I think we have a pretty good idea of the pitfalls and triumphs of raising children.
Yes, we raised them in a Christian home, meaning church every week, youth group, small groups and as well home-schooled them until high-school and pretty much did everything possibly under the sun to keep them on the straight and narrow. Taught them the way to run their lives to glorify the Lord by living out ourselves a healthy and strong cultural values like being married for thirty years, not drinking or smoking. My children have never heard me utter a foul word, never hit my wife, been faithful to the Lord in word and deed.
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Every single one of them once having reached adulthood made their own decisions about their life. As their father I could only counsel them and ask them to consider my wise counsel. Believe or not, sometimes they screwed up and made the wrong choices in life.
Of the six, three are still active in church. Once they spring from the home and start making their own decisions in life, the "world" around them has a pull and influence no matter how well they have been brought up.
As for failing them, I take no blame. I gave them all the tools to be successful in life and in cultural, spiritual matters .
What they do with it is up to them