Houston is full of third-worlders who don’t know that you don’t leave infants and toddlers in a house with oil cooking on the stove. It is a sanctuary city....a swamp of Progressive political correctness that elected a lesbian mayor, so outrageous events such as this one will occur from time to time.
If the only people voting were taxpayers the score would be different. If the goobermint wasn't cramming our neighborhoods full of Section 8 freeloaders, less outrageous events would occur.
Illegals have taken over a nearby park. Why ? Because the goobermint bought an unused compartment house and filled it full of the scum.
Why this woman was allowed to escape to Nigeria is an excellent question.
Thanks for the summary...Some of us are doing what we can to change that...
For the most part, it’s not that bad, we know where the BG’s are, and those that venture forth into our world head first, usually leave feet first...