And this is *JUST* a guess/theory on my part : But it is well known that moslems refuse to wear alcohol including sd alcohol, which WAS the base for many if not most fragrances. I know Avon and some others went to alcohol free fragrances for the moslem market overseas. Is it *just* possible that the "environment" excuse was BS, and it's really because it's cheaper and easier to just make EVERYTHING for the moslem market, rather than doing a batch for Jordan, Egypt, SA, etc, and another batch for Europe, North America, and Asian markets? Just make everything halal friendly, just as some fast food joints in the UK and the USA went to all halal meat first for areas with large moslem populations, and then pretty much everywhere? I know I got a bottle of Jovan's Wild Honeysuckle that was for the moslem market overseas (lots of squigglies on the box and on the label on the underside), and it smelled wrong and weak. This was back in the late 1990s, and I bought it from one of those discount beauty supply catalogs. I later bought a "vintage" bottle off ebay, and it smelled as I remembered, so I am sure it was the alcohol substitute that made the other bottle smell "off" and gave the scent no staying power.
Thanks for that info,kaylar.
I will have to do a little more research,I guess.
Very informative post.