If Gingrich has the second best chance, I don’t see a first best listed. He hasn’t a chance, in my opinion, pictures of him on the couch with Pelosi will be enough to sink him, if the other details are not.
I see a few problems with this analysis. I’m not saying this is what I want to happen but unless Jim DeMint jumps in my guess is that when its all said and done and the dust clears on the GOP nomination the last man standing will likely be Tim Pawlenty. Just a hunch. When they asked Newt to sit on that couch with Pelosi he should have just said “NO”.
Barack Obama is probably not even going to run in 2012 because 10-12 states are going have their hands out for his long form birth certificate which would appear not to exist in this universe.
Its going to be interesting thats for sure.