Still works?
Some days I wish I still had my Curtis Mathis. That thing was beautiful furniture.
Guy that gave it to me said it didn’t work. I immediately thought “oh yeah? I can fix anything”.
Got it home and sure enough it didn’t work. Opened up the back and immediately saw a blackened tube, replaced it and Voila!
Then it would only work for 15 minutes before shorting. I could hear it crackle.
Opened up the back and thought “maybe if I get rid of all this dust....? Pulled out the Kirby, reversed the flow and blew all the dust off, let it settle and then gentle vacuumed.
Worked great for years until I gave it to my sister and she only got rid of it about 4 years ago.
And dang if Rothlesberger finally delivers a TD.
Yeah, she shows her age from time to time but still works, picture is still as good as ever.