But self-governance needs to start with knocking people off of welfare and/or disability, if they’ve gotten better since being awarded disability.
If you’re under 45 and have been on disability (especially a non-physical disability such as bi-polar) for more than 7 years, you should be forced to have a face-to-face review done and your benefits potentially cut in half or cut totally.
I have talked to countless people who are under 45 and have been on disability for 7 years or more who now claim, due to modern medications, they would be able to work, but that it’s just easier to sit back and collect a check each month.
Also, how many times have we seen specials on 20/20 or Dateline where somebody is collecting disability and hopping in and out of sports cars, when they’re supposed to be crippled?
Entitlements are killing us but nobody in Washington has the balls to say it.
Not just entitlements, AGENCIES that make rules that have the force of law, which destroy business, energy, free enterprise, manufacturing; also all these CZARS who have staffs, who make up yet more regulations that nobody voted for, strangling the country.
Have you ever worked w/someone diagnosed w/bipolar disorder?