Kids that age don’t vote.
*Facebook friends: Obama 2.3 m, McCain/Palin, 622,000
*number of viewers of campaign videos on webstie: Obama 104,000, McCain/Palin 64,000
*number of views on videos: Obama 889m, McCain/Palin 554m
*number of Twitter followers: Obama 125,000, McCain/Palin 5,000
These campaign videos had John Legend, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Scarlett Johannsen, and rock concerts with Black-Eyed Peas and Dave Matthews; and Hollywood people like Leonardo DiCaprio, Shia LaBoeuf, Snoop Dogg, Will Smith, Tom Cruise, Jonah Hill, Jessica Alba all targeted the "youth" specifically.
During both Clinton primary talks and McCain/Palin apeparances, Obama's peeps went through crowds identifying younger people and handed out free Dave Matthews tickets. Watch the cell phones light up with text messages. How long do you think they hung around the GOP speeches?
This group voted. You better hope they only voted once, and are done with it.