To: Bluebird Singing
I love it. During the episode where Sarah and dad hunted caribou, you could see the classic “Vegetarian is an old Indian word for ‘Bad Hunter’” bumper sticker on their truck.
28 posted on
12/30/2010 2:42:18 PM PST by
(Truman: The buck stops here. Obama: Buck? What buck? Did I tell you how it's all Bush's fault?)
To: WinOne4TheGipper
I love it. During the episode where Sarah and dad hunted caribou, you could see the classic Vegetarian is an old Indian word for Bad Hunter bumper sticker on their truck.I saw that. Who in their right mind wouldn't want her as President?
60 posted on
12/30/2010 3:33:01 PM PST by
(Had God not driven man from the Garden of Eden the Sierra Club surely would have.)
To: WinOne4TheGipper
Vegetarian: old Indian word for POOR HUNTER!
79 posted on
12/30/2010 4:42:19 PM PST by
(If you truly support Sarah Palin and want on her busy ping list, let me know!) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson