Thanks Doctor. Neither was Oral Roberts a doctor but he sure loved to pracice healing it seems. Tell me. If he could heal or had the power given to heal why did he need a medical school? MONEY!
I have some training and experiences in Epilepsy. I have several family members with it one likely is myself. None have my type though. One of the many forms of it effects my life ever day. Get away from the person fall down and convulse descriptions and read up some on it. This disorder is likely on the top 10 genetic hand me downs. A person may have daily seizures or one in their life time. The most serious is the Grand Mal which can be fatal. Lesser ones can be simply annoying but disturbing including seeing things which are not there including dead persons they know. Convincing enough yet? I'm not making it up. I'm not an expert on it but this place is Simple Partial Seizures
I do not know of any credible preacher who would not say get the child to a doctor. An EEG is not running up unnecessary cost. The cost of it which is money Reverend Smith may not get in his collection plate it is a very basic legitimate and reasonably priced diagnostic medical test. Usually that is as far as most doctors go. In my case it didn't catch it. Most of the time they do.
I don't have partial seizures nor the dangerous as in potentially fatal type but I have Myoclonic type. Some of the physical manifestations are similar to Torettes. I can shake so violent I rock the van and yet still drive. A preacher telling me I have a demon would be of no help. Yet Epilepsy used to be considered demon possession by clergy. A doctor giving me Xanax is of help. Without it I can not function. That to me is GOD's miracle. Doctors receive their talents from GOD and most of them I have dealt with which are many are Christian.
Epilepsy is a very common disorder with many wide variants of causes, triggers, symptoms, and origins, with seriousness ranging from harmless to fatal. It makes far more sense to me for father and son to share a genetic trait than for a spirit to follow the family and suddenly show up years later and no time in between.
Epilepsy many times is a one time thing and many times gone at puberty. Thus the father would not have another experience after his own. No telling what triggered it. Christmas tree lights maybe? TV? Who knows?
I just gave you the proof of this possibility. I can't make you read or except it though.
I don’t appear to be communicating effectively to you.
I read all you wrote and understand it quite well.
Epilepsy has nothing to do with the perceptions described by the father and the son.
It is an entirely different category of thing.