Partially true. That being said you cannot outsource and offshore much of your manufacturing and technological base and not expect repercussions.
InB4 you come back telling me it was insane unions and EPA that did this.
That is partially true as well but no the entire reason.
A women was on Colbert whose company made marbles. China can make AND ship marbles to the US for 21 Cents per lb. The women said the electric cost ALONE to make a lb of marbles in the US was 20 cents.
This problem we have goes way beyond libs causing the offshoring of jobs.
It is about competing with developing countries whose cost is a 1/10 of your own. It can't be done.
Chinese competition seems to be the reason why our jobs have gone. Maybe we need to get rid of the ‘favored nation status’ for countries with a tenth our production costs and
who wish us ill into the bargain.
Excellent point. But this is what happened when members of both parties steamrolled NAFTA and "free trade" though 20 years ago, then granted "Most Favored Nation" trade status to slave-labor giant, China.
American industry and factories and our very economy has been sold out by our own treasonous Elite politicians.
Combine the loss of millions of low-skill factory jobs near US cities along with urban Dem Welfare Plantations, and you have a recipe for disaster.
I’m in backoffice business/IT for my large corporation. You can go into any of the lunchrooms here and almost ALL the people there are Indian or Pakistani ans speaking various non-english as they converse. It is becoming very difficult to carry on meetings with so many participants unable to speak clear English. It not only impacts productivity, but also reliability and accuracy of solutions we produce.
Yep, and unions make certain it stays that way. Gov. will never "create" jobs except enlarging Gov. so they can say jobs increased. If people think their standard of living will remain...heads in sand...our once powerful nation is falling into ruin at all levels...crime will esculate more and more.
“This problem we have goes way beyond libs causing the offshoring of jobs.
It is about competing with developing countries whose cost is a 1/10 of your own. It can’t be done.”
You’re absolutely correct.
So — what’s the “solution”?